之前我们是通过把template转换成ast语法树,接下来就是把ast拼接成字符串。并且用with控制作用域,然后通过new Function把这段字符串转换成函数,代码如下

let ast = {
  tag: "div",
  attrs: [
    { name: "id", value: "app" },
  children: [{ type: 3, text: "ccc" }],
  parent: null,
  type: 1,
const defaultTagRE = /\{\{((?:.|\r?\n)+?)\}\}/g; // 匹配{{ }} 中间的内容

function genProps(attrs) {
  let str = "";
  for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
    let attr = attrs[i];
    // 特殊属性 style="color:black;"
    if (attr.name === "style") {
      let obj = {};
      attr.value.split(";").reduce((memo, current) => {
        let [key, value] = current.split(":");
        memo[key] = value;
        return memo;
      }, obj);
      attr.value = obj;
    str += `${attr.name}:${JSON.stringify(attr.value)},`;
  return `{${str.slice(0, -1)}}`;

function gen(node) {
  // 说明是元素节点
  if (node.type === 1) {
    return genCode(node);
  } else {
    let text = node.text;
    if (!defaultTagRE.test(text)) {
      return `_v(${JSON.stringify(node.text)})`; //这个就是匹配纯文本的
    } else {
      let tokens = [];
      let match;
      // exec 遇到全局匹配会有lastIndex问题,每次匹配前需要将lastIndex置为0
      let startIndex = (defaultTagRE.lastIndex = 0);
      while ((match = defaultTagRE.exec(text))) {
        let endIndex = match.index; // 匹配到的索引  aaa {{ccc}}ddd
        if (endIndex > startIndex) {
          tokens.push(JSON.stringify(text.slice(startIndex, endIndex)));
        startIndex = endIndex + match[0].length;
      if (startIndex < text.length) {
      return `_v(${tokens.join("+")})`; // 最后将动态数据和非动态数据拼接在一起

function genChildren(ast) {
  const children = ast.children;
  return children.map(child => gen(child)).join(",");

function genCode(ast) {
  let code = `_c('${ast.tag}',${
    ast.attrs.length ? genProps(ast.attrs) : "undefined"
  }${ast.children ? "," + genChildren(ast) : ""})`;
  return code;

const code = genCode(ast);
const render = new Function(`with(this){return ${code} }`);

Last modification:October 15, 2021
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